Posts tagged with "low-skilled"

  • Recent developments in Ireland

    In the past year, two significant state strategies were released and a third has begun development. 

    First of all, the Department of Education and Skills (DES) released a new 'Action Plan for Education 2019' early on in the year.  This follo...

  • Liechtenstein introduction

    The Adult Education Foundation in Liechtenstein sets its goals on promoting adult education provision focusing on widening educational opportunities for under-represented, low-skilled adults coming from disadvantaged social and economic background...

  • Recent developments in the Netherlands

    Even though the Netherlands has one of the highest percentages of adults involved in learning, increasing the participation of adults in education remains on the national and regional agenda. In 2019, the Dutch cabinet, in cooperation with social...

  • Portugal introduction

    In recent years there have been important initiatives in the field of non-formal adult education that are striving to address such issues as low literacy level among adults and low levels of participation of adults in education. The new developmen...

  • Challenges: The pandemic as a wake up call

    COVID-19 was a wake-up call for many adult education providers as it made them realise that the tools in formal education are limited when social distancing is necessary. Organisations experimented using digital tools. Some experiments were succes...

  • Developments: France launched a Skills Investment Plan

    The situation of adult education in France has significantly improved in 2019-2020 and the funding situation has stayed the same. The Skills Investment Plan, piloted by the Ministry of Labor was adopted, promoting upskilling, the ecological and di...

  • Challenges: Lack of a legal framework

    One of the main challenges in adult learning and education in Slovenia is the legal framework. The Adult Education Act (adopted in January 2019) sets out legal bases to implement a public network for adult learning and education providers. Pushing...

  • Challenges: Fragmented educational policies

    According to the received responses, he biggest challenge for adult learning and education in Greece is its subjugated position compared to vocational training. Other challenges are low levels of participation, lack of systematic and long...