Posts tagged with "migration"

  • Recent developments in Spain

    Throughout the years, adult education has been receiving more and more attention from cultural institutions and the Labour Department. EAEA members in the country contribute the ongoing shift to immigration. Adult education is therefore seen as a...

  • Links to EU and international policy Spain

    The main barrier to the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in Spain are the lack of initiatives for migrant learners, however, a lot of attention is paid to migrant children without families. In order to deliver Goal 4 Spain have focu...

  • Developments: New adult education policies coming into force

    The position of adult learning and education is strengthened within educational policy, as Finland has undertaken structural reforms, such as the Reform of Continuous Learning, that will be relevant for both formal and non-formal adult education....

  • Challenges and plans: A focus on sustainability and funding

    Digitalisation has been the most striking change in adult learning and education last year as digital content and course supply has boomed during the pandemic. Due to the pandemic, more people now have a good command of digital technologies a...

  • Developments: Lifelong learning remains focused on formal education

    According to The Catalan Association for Education, Training and Research (ACEFIR) adult education situation has remained the same compared to the previous year. There have been no new policies or strategies in adult learning and education (ALE),...

  • Developments: Digitalisation prioritised by the new government

    Overall, the responses from Germany see a slight deterioration of the situation in adult learning (ALE) in Germany for 2020/2021.

    From the point of view of the EAEA members, there were no major changes in Germany from 2020 to 2021 in ter...

  • Intensified political discourse on adult learning amid economic changes

    The responses from EAEA’s Swedish members, The Swedish Adult Education Association and the The Swedish National Council of Adult Education, indicate a slightly deteriorated funding situation compared to the previous year.

    There have...

  • No political will to invest in adult education in Italy

    Adult learning and education (ALE) in Italy needs more funding and more attention by national policy makers. Arcipelago APS, member of EAEA, plans to work on a wide range of ambitious projects, tackling digital and citizenship skills and transv...