Posts tagged with "awareness"
Denmark introduction
At present Denmark is experiencing a lot of positive changes in the sector of adult education – this means that plans for the implementation of more projects and funding are being brought in by the new government. In order to raise awareness about...
Links to EU and international policy in Estonia
The Estonian state established its commitment to Goal 4 of the SDG through the Estonian National Strategy on Sustainable Development “Sustainable development 21”. The strategy encourages the development of educational system in Estonia to ensure e...
Challenges and recommendations in Georgia
Recent developments in Germany
At the moment, the state is in the process of developing a new coalition agreement. The new agreement is expected to extend the National Decade for Literacy and put a stronger focus on family and workplace-centred basic skills. The government has...
Challenges and recommendations in Iceland
LEIKN recommends higher investment of capital in adult education in order to strengthen its voice. Funding for LEIKN could also improve outreach and awareness from the public on adult education, how to access learning opportunities and their benef...
Challenges and recommendations in Slovenia
The areas that need to be addressed by future policies are:
- The involvement of the public network of providers in fostering the participation of vulnerable groups in learning activities, implementing new approaches and tools.
Recent developments in the Ukraine
Key bill on adult learning advancing in Ukraine
The adoption of the bill on Adult Learning and Education, which is still pending, is a key focus of advocacy and awareness-raising activities for EAEA's member in Ukraine. If adopted, it will support diverse groups of adults with learning oppor...